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The resource portal is intended to provide resources in support of the educational program development and implementation towards social determinants of health (SDOH).

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Cultural Competence

Behar-Horenstein, L. S., Warren, R. C., Dodd, V. J., & Catalanotto, F. A. (2017). Addressing oral health disparities via educational foci on cultural competence. American Journal of Public Health, 107(S1), S18-s23. doi:10.2105/ajph.2017.303721 PMID: 28661820

Daugherty, H. N., & Kearney, R. C. (2017). Measuring the impact of cultural competence training for dental hygiene students. Journal of Dental Hygiene, 91(5), 48-54. PMID: 29118279

Lampiris, L. N., White, A., Sams, L. D., White, T., & Weintraub, J. A. (2017). Enhancing dental students' understanding of poverty through simulation. Journal of Dental Education, 81(9), 1053-1061. doi:10.21815/jde.017.061 PMID: 28864786

Marino, R. J., Ghanim, A., Barrow, S. L., & Morgan, M. V. (2017). Cultural competence skills in a dental curriculum: A review. European Journal of Dental Education. doi:10.1111/eje.12263 PMID: 28261942 

Ramos-Gomez, F., Askaryar, H., Garell, C., & Ogren, J. (2017). Pioneering and interprofessional pediatric dentistry programs aimed at reducing oral health disparities. Front Public Health, 5, 207. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2017.00207 PMID: 28856133

Garvan, G. J., Garvan, C. W., & Behar-Horenstein, L. S. (2016). Developing and testing the short-form knowledge, efficacy, and practices instrument for assessing cultural competence. Journal of Dental Education, 80(10), 1245-1252. PMID: 27694299

Mays, K. A. (2016). Community-based dental education models: An analysis of current practices at U.S. dental schools. Journal of Dental Education, 80(10), 1188-1195. PMID: 27694292

Ocegueda, D. R., Van Ness, C. J., Hanson, C. L., & Holt, L. A. (2016). Cultural competency in dental hygiene curricula. Journal of Dental Hygiene, 90 Suppl 1, 5-14. PMID: 27458313

Alrqiq, H. M., Scott, T. E., & Mascarenhas, A. K. (2015). Evaluating a cultural competency curriculum: Changes in dental students' perceived awareness, knowledge, and skills. Journal of Dental Education, 79(9), 1009-1015. PMID: 26329024

Donate-Bartfield, E., Lobb, W. K., & Roucka, T. M. (2014). Teaching culturally sensitive care to dental students: A multidisciplinary approach. Journal of Dental Education, 78(3), 454-464. PMID: 24609347

Evans, L., & Hanes, P. J. (2014). Online cultural competency education for millennial dental students. Journal of Dental Education, 78(6), 867-875. PMID: 24882772

Jones, S., & Pinto-Zipp, G. (2017). Assessing health professional students' cultural competence using a global perspective. Journal of Allied Health, 46(2), 88-93. PMID: 28561865

Oliveira, K. D., North, S., Beck, B., & Hopp, J. (2015). Promoting collaboration and cultural competence for physician assistant and physical therapist students: A cross-cultural decentralized interprofessional education (IPE) model. Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 12(20). doi:10.3352/jeehp.2015.12.20 PMID: 26072900

Constantinou, C. S., Papageorgiou, A., Samoutis, G., & McCrorie, P. (2017). Acquire, apply, and activate knowledge: A pyramid model for teaching and integrating cultural competence in medical curricula. Patient Education and Counseling. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2017.12.016 PMID: 29305063

Echeverri, M., & Dise, T. (2017). Racial dynamics and cultural competence training in medical and pharmacy education. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 28(1), 266-278. doi:10.1353/hpu.2017.0023 PMID: 28239002 

Neff, J., Knight, K. R., Satterwhite, S., Nelson, N., Matthews, J., & Holmes, S. M. (2017). Teaching structure: A qualitative evaluation of a structural competency training for resident physicians. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 32(4), 430-433. doi:10.1007/s11606-016-3924-7 PMID: 27896692

Choi, J. S., & Kim, J. S. (2018). Effects of cultural education and cultural experiences on the cultural competence among undergraduate nursing students. Nurse Education in Practice, 29, 159-162. doi:10.1016/j.nepr.2018.01.007 PMID: 29360621

Chang, L. C., Guo, J. L., & Lin, H. L. (2017). Cultural competence education for health professionals from pre-graduation to licensure delivered using facebook: Twelve-month follow-up on a randomized control trial. Nurse Education Today, 59, 94-100. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2017.09.005 PMID: 28963921

Creech, C., Filter, M., Wehbe-Alamah, H., McFarland, M. R., Andrews, M., & Pryor, G. (2017). An intervention to improve cultural competence in graduate nursing education. Nursing Education Perspectives, 38(6), 333-336. doi:10.1097/01.nep.0000000000000163 PMID: 28574917

Muir-Cochrane, E., O'Kane, D., McAllister, M., Levett-Jones, T., & Gerace, A. (2017). Reshaping curricula: Culture and mental health in undergraduate health degrees. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. doi:10.1111/inm.12350  PMID: 28834101

Singleton, J. K. (2017). An enhanced cultural competence curriculum and changes in transcultural self-efficacy in Doctor of Nursing Practice students. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 28(5), 516-522. doi:10.1177/1043659617703162 PMID: 29308713

Smith, L. S. (2017). Cultural competence: A guide for nursing students. Nursing, 47(10), 18-20. doi:10.1097/01.Nurse.0000524770.18720.96 PMID: 28953693

Yingling, C. T., Cotler, K., & Hughes, T. L. (2017). Building nurses' capacity to address health inequities: Incorporating lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health content in a family nurse practitioner programme. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(17-18), 2807-2817. doi:10.1111/jocn.13707 PMID: 28029727

Govere, L., Fioravanti, M. A., & Tuite, P. K. (2016). Increasing the cultural competence levels of undergraduate nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education, 55(3), 155-159. doi:10.3928/01484834-20160216-06 PMID: 26926216

Echeverri, M., & Dise, T. (2017). Racial dynamics and cultural competence training in medical and pharmacy education. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 28(1), 266-278. doi:10.1353/hpu.2017.0023 PMID: 28239002

Bondar, A. (2015). A new practitioner's perspective on combining interprofessional and cultural competence instruction in pharmacy school curriculum. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 79(10), 160. doi:10.5688/ajpe7910160 PMID: 26889072

Okoro, O., Odedina, F., & Smith, W. T. (2015). Determining the sufficiency of cultural competence instruction in pharmacy school curriculum. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Educatin, 79(4), 50. doi:10.5688/ajpe79450 PMID: 26089559

O'Connell, M. B., Jackson, A. N., Karaoui, L. R., Rodriguez de Bittner, M., Chen, A. M., Echeverri, M., . . . O'Neil, C. K. (2013). Cultural competency in health care and its implications for pharmacy part 3B: Emphasis on pharmacy education policy, procedures, and climate. Pharmacotherapy, 33(12), e368-381. doi:10.1002/phar.1352 PMID: 24123272

O'Connell, M. B., Rodriguez de Bittner, M., Poirier, T., Karaoui, L. R., Echeverri, M., Chen, A. M., . . . Jackson, A. N. (2013). Cultural competency in health care and its implications for pharmacy part 3A: Emphasis on pharmacy education, curriculums, and future directions. Pharmacotherapy, 33(12), e347-367. doi:10.1002/phar.1353 PMID: 24122816

Sales, I., Jonkman, L., Connor, S., & Hall, D. (2013). A comparison of educational interventions to enhance cultural competency in pharmacy students. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 77(4), 76. doi:10.5688/ajpe77476 PMID: 23716744

McElfish, P. A., Moore, R., Buron, B., Hudson, J., Long, C. R., Purvis, R. S., . . . Warmack, T. S. (2017). Integrating interprofessional education and cultural competency training to address health disparities. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 1-10. doi:10.1080/10401334.2017.1365717 PMID: 29190158

Social Determinants of Health

Tiwari, T. (2018). Social determinants of health: An essential element in dental education. Journal of Dental Education, 82(3), 235-236. doi:10.21815/jde.018.021 PMID: 29496800

Sung, J., & Gluch, J. I. (2017). An assessment of global oral health education in U.S. dental schools. Journal of Dental Education, 81(2), 127-134. PMID: 28148602

Lapidos, A., & Gwozdek, A. (2016). An interprofessional approach to exploring the social determinants of health with dental hygiene students. Journal of Allied Health, 45(3), e43-47. PMID: 27585625

Weintraub, J. A., & Rozier, R. G. (2016). Updated competencies for the dental public health specialist: Using the past and present to frame the future. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 76 Suppl 1, S4-s10. doi:10.1111/jphd.12185 PMID: 27990676

Levesque, M. C., Levine, A., & Bedos, C. (2015). Ideological roadblocks to humanizing dentistry, an evaluative case study of a continuing education course on social determinants of health. International Journal for Equity of Health, 14, 41. doi:10.1186/s12939-015-0170-2 PMID: 25926031

Mumghamba, E. G. (2014). Integrating a primary oral health care approach in the dental curriculum: A Tanzanian experience. Medical Principles and Practice, 23 Suppl 1, 69-77. doi:10.1159/000355520 PMID: 24246734

Nandakumar, C., & Robinson, P. G. (2011). Teaching dental public health to undergraduates using community profiles and patient case studies. Community Dental Health, 28(1), 116-120. PMID: 21485248

Palacio, A., Suarez, M., Tamariz, L., & Seo, D. (2017). A road map to integrate social determinants of health into electronic health records. Population Health Management. doi:10.1089/pop.2017.0019 PMID: 28409701

Siegel, J., Coleman, D.L., & James, T. (2017). Integrating social determinants of health into graduate medical education: A call for action. Academic Medicine. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002054. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 29140918

Basu, G., Pels, R. J., Stark, R. L., Jain, P., Bor, D. H., & McCormick, D. (2017).  Training internal medicine residents in social medicine and research-based health advocacy: A novel, in-depth curriculum. Academic Medicine, 92(4), 515-520. doi:10.1097/acm.0000000000001580 PMID: 28145945 

Chang, A. Y., Bass, T. L., Duwell, M., Berger, J. S., Bangalore, R., Lee, N. S., . . . El-Bayoumi, J. (2017). The impact of "See the City You Serve" field trip: An educational tool for teaching social determinants of health. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 9(1), 118-122. doi:10.4300/jgme-d-16-00212.1 PMID: 28261406

Greer, P. J., Jr., Brown, D. R., Brewster, L. G., Lage, O. G., Esposito, K. F., Whisenant, E. B., . . . Rock, J. A. (2017). Socially accountable medical education: An innovative approach at Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine. Academic Medicine. doi:10.1097/acm.0000000000001811 PMID: 28658020

Maguire, M. S., Kottenhahn, R., Consiglio-Ward, L., Smalls, A., & Dressler, R. (2017). Using a poverty simulation in graduate medical education as a mechanism to introduce social determinants of health and cultural competency. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 9(3), 386-387. doi:10.4300/jgme-d-16-00776.1 PMID: 28638532

Patel, M., Bathory, E., Scholnick, J., White-Davis, T., Choi, J., & Braganza, S. (2017). Resident documentation of social determinants of health: Effects of a teaching tool in the outpatient setting. Clinical Pediatrics, 9922817728697. doi:10.1177/0009922817728697 PMID: 28877598

Paul, E. G., Curran, M., & Tobin Tyler, E. (2017). The medical-legal partnership approach to teaching social determinants of health and structural competency in residency programs. Academic Medicine, 92(3), 292-298. doi:10.1097/acm.0000000000001494 PMID: 28225730

Pettignano, R., Bliss, L., McLaren, S., & Caley, S. (2017). Interprofessional medical-legal education of medical students: Assessing the benefits for addressing social determinants of health. Academic Medicine, 92(9), 1254-1258. doi:10.1097/acm.0000000000001581 ​PMID: 28177959

Ventres, W., Boelen, C., & Haq, C. (2017). Time for action: Key considerations for implementing social accountability in the education of health professionals. Advances in Health Science Education: Theory and Practice. doi:10.1007/s10459-017-9792-z PMID: 28900801

Kasper, J., Greene, J. A., Farmer, P. E., & Jones, D. S. (2016). All health is global health, all medicine Is social medicine: Integrating the social sciences into the preclinical curriculum. Academic Medicine, 91(5), 628-632. doi:10.1097/acm.0000000000001054 PMID: 26703416

McCalmont, K., Norris, J., Garzon, A., Cisneros, R., Greene, H., Regino, L., . . . Kaufman, A. (2016). Community health workers and family medicine resident education: Addressing the social determinants of health. Family Medicine, 48(4), 260-264. PMID: 27057603

Girotti, J. A., Loy, G. L., Michel, J. L., & Henderson, V. A. (2015). The Urban Medicine Program: Developing physician-leaders to serve underserved urban communities. Academic Medicine, 90(12), 1658-1666. doi:10.1097/acm.0000000000000970 PMID: 26488566

VanderWielen, L. M., Vanderbilt, A. A., Crossman, S. H., Mayer, S. D., Enurah, A. S., Gordon, S. S., & Bradner, M. K. (2015). Health disparities and underserved populations: A potential solution, medical school partnerships with free clinics to improve curriculum. Medical Education Online, 20, 27535. doi:10.3402/meo.v20.27535 PMID: 25907001

Klein, M. D., Alcamo, A. M., Beck, A. F., O'Toole, J. K., McLinden, D., Henize, A., & Kahn, R. S. (2014). Can a video curriculum on the social determinants of health affect residents' practice and families' perceptions of care? Academic Pediatrics, 14(2), 159-166. doi:10.1016/j.acap.2013.11.002 PMID: 24602579

O'Brien, M. J., Garland, J. M., Murphy, K. M., Shuman, S. J., Whitaker, R. C., & Larson, S. C. (2014). Training medical students in the social determinants of health: The Health Scholars Program at Puentes de Salud. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 5, 307-314. doi:10.2147/amep.s67480 PMID: 25278787

Cantey, D. S., Randolph, S. D., Molloy, M. A., Carter, B., & Cary, M. P. (2017). Student-developed simulations: Enhancing cultural awareness and understanding social determinants of health. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(4), 243-246. doi:10.3928/01484834-20170323-11 PMID: 28383751

Decker, K. A., Hensel, D., Kuhn, T. M., & Priest, C. (2017). Innovative Implementation of Social Determinants of Health in a New Concept-Based Curriculum. Nurse Educator, 42(3), 115-116. doi:10.1097/nne.0000000000000330 PMID: 27723683

Rozendo, C. A., Santos Salas, A., & Cameron, B. (2017). A critical review of social and health inequalities in the nursing curriculum. Nurse Education Today, 50, 62-71. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2016.12.006  PMID: 28024233 

Reid, C. A., & Evanson, T. A. (2016). Using simulation to teach about poverty in nursing education: A review of available tools. Journal of Professional Nursing, 32(2), 130-140. doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2015.10.002  PMID: 27000198

Bell, M. L., & Buelow, J. R. (2014). Teaching students to work with vulnerable populations through a patient advocacy course. Nurse Educator, 39(5), 236-240. doi:10.1097/nne.0000000000000063 PMID: 24978016

King, A. E., & Egras, A. M. (2015). A required online course with a public health focus for third professional year pharmacy students. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 79(5), 68. doi:10.5688/ajpe79568 PMID: 26396277

Offiong, C. Y., Oji, V. U., Bunyan, W., Lewis, J. A., Moore, C., & Olusanya, O. A. (2011). The role of colleges and schools of pharmacy in the advent of Healthy People 2020. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 75(3), 56. ​PMID: 21655410

Lane, S. D., Keefe, R. H., Rubinstein, R. A., Hall, M., Kelly, K. A., Satterly, L. B., . . . Fisher, J. (2018). Integrating the social determinants of health into two interprofessional courses: Findings from a pilot study. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 1-3. doi:10.1080/13561820.2018.1435517 PMID: 29412052

Sabato, E., Owens, J., Mauro, A. M., Findley, P., Lamba, S., & Fenesy, K. (2018). Integrating social seterminants of health into dental curricula: An interprofessional approach. Journal of Dental Education, 82(3), 237-245. doi:10.21815/jde.018.022 PMID: 29496801 

Stubbs, C., Schorn, M. N., Leavell, J. P., Espiritu, E. W., Davis, G., Gentry, C. K., . . . Wilkins, C. H. (2017). Implementing and evaluating a community-based, inter-institutional, interprofessional education pilot programme. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 31(5), 652-655. doi:10.1080/13561820.2017.1343808 PMID: 28792263

Addy, C. L., Browne, T., Blake, E. W., & Bailey, J. (2015). Enhancing interprofessional education: Integrating public health and social work perspectives. American Journal of Public Health, 105 Suppl 1, S106-108. doi:10.2105/ajph.2014.302502 PMID: 25706002

Health Disparities

Ramos-Gomez, F., Askaryar, H., Garell, C., & Ogren, J. (2017). Pioneering and interprofessional pediatric dentistry programs aimed at reducing oral health disparities. Front Public Health, 5, 207. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2017.00207 PMID: 28856133

Behar-Horenstein, L. S., Feng, X., Roberts, K. W., Gibbs, M., Catalanotto, F. A., & Hudson-Vassell, C. M. (2015). Developing dental students' awareness of health care disparities and desire to serve vulnerable populations through service-learning. Journal of Dental Education, 79(10), 1189-1200. PMID: 26427778

Ryan, M. H., Yoder, J., Flores, S. K., Soh, J., & Vanderbilt, A. A. (2015). Using health information technology to reach patients in underserved communities: A pilot study to help close the gap with health disparities. Global Journal of Health Science, 8(6), 86-94. doi:10.5539/gjhs.v8n6p86 PMID: 26755484

Gimpel, N., Kindratt, T., Dawson, A., & Pagels, P. (2018). Community action research track: Community-based participatory research and service-learning experiences for medical students. Perspectives on Medical Education. doi:10.1007/s40037-017-0397-2 PMID: 29374389

Noriea, A. H., Redmond, N., Weil, R. A., Curry, W. A., Peek, M. E., & Willett, L. L. (2017). Development of a multifaceted health disparities curriculum for medical residents. Family Medicine, 49(10), 796-802. PMID: 29190406

Haq, C., Lemke, M., Buelow, M., Stearns, M., Ripp, C., & McBride, P. (2016). Training in urban medicine and public health: Preparing physicians to address urban health care needs. WMJ, 115(6), 322-325. PMID: 29095134

Leung, L. B., Simmons, J. E., Ho, J., Anselin, E., Yalamanchili, R., & Rabatin, J. S. (2016). A five-year evolution of a student-led elective on health disparities at the Alpert Medical School. Rhode Island Medical Journal (2013), 99(10), 43-47. PMID: 27706279

VanderWielen, L. M., Vanderbilt, A. A., Crossman, S. H., Mayer, S. D., Enurah, A. S., Gordon, S. S., & Bradner, M. K. (2015). Health disparities and underserved populations: A potential solution, medical school partnerships with free clinics to improve curriculum. Medical Education Online, 20(1), 27535. doi:10.3402/meo.v20.27535 PMID: 28229682

Hasnain, M., Massengale, L., Dykens, A., & Figueroa, E. (2014). Health disparities training in residency programs in the United States. Family Medicine, 46(3), 186-191. PMID: 24652636

Jarris, Y. S., Bartleman, A., Hall, E. C., & Lopez, L. (2012). A preclinical medical student curriculum to introduce health disparities and cultivate culturally responsive care. Journal of the National Medical Association, 104(9-10), 404-411. PMID: 23342813

Schultz, P. L., & Baker, J. (2017). Teaching strategies to increase nursing student acceptance and management of unconscious bias. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(11), 692-696. doi:10.3928/01484834-20171020-11 PMID: 29091241

Yingling, C. T., Cotler, K., & Hughes, T. L. (2017). Building nurses' capacity to address health inequities: Incorporating lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health content in a family nurse practitioner programme. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(17-18), 2807-2817. doi:10.1111/jocn.13707 PMID: 28029727

McDowell, A., & Bower, K. M. (2016). Transgender health care for nurses: An innovative approach to diversifying nursing curricula to address health inequities. Journal of Nursing Education, 55(8), 476-479. doi:10.3928/01484834-20160715-11 PMID: 27459437

Zandee, G. L., Bossenbroek, D., Slager, D., Gordon, B., Ayoola, A. B., Doornbos, M. M., & Lima, A. (2015). Impact of integrating community-based participatory research into a baccalaureate nursing curriculum. Journal of Nursing Education, 54(7), 394-398. doi:10.3928/01484834-20150617-07 PMID: 26155032


Lee, B. J., Wang, S. K., So, C., Chiu, B. G., Wang, W. Y., Polisetty, R., . . . Liu, H. (2015). A student-led health education initiative addressing health disparities in a Chinatown community. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 79(9), 132. doi:10.5688/ajpe799132 PMID: 26839422

Joyner, P. U., O'Connor, S. K., Thrasher, K. A., & Blouin, R. A. (2012). Addressing rural health disparities through pharmacy curricula. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 76(10), 188. doi:10.5688/ajpe7610188 PMID: 23275653

Okoro, O. N., Odedina, F. T., Reams, R. R., & Smith, W. T. (2012). Clinical cultural competency and knowledge of health disparities among pharmacy students. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 76(3), 40. doi:10.5688/ajpe76340 PMID: 22544957

McElfish, P. A., Moore, R., Buron, B., Hudson, J., Long, C. R., Purvis, R. S., . . . Warmack, T. S. (2017). Integrating interprofessional education and cultural competency training to address health disparities. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 1-10. doi:10.1080/10401334.2017.1365717 PMID: 29190158

Experiential & Collaborative Learning

Systematic Reviews

  • Stewart, T., & Wubbena, Z. C. (2015). A systematic review of service-learning in medical education: 1998-2012. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 27(2), 115-122. doi:10.1080/10401334.2015.1011647. PMID: 25893932  
  • Hunt, J.B., Bonham, C., & Jones, L. (2011). Understanding the goals of service learning and community-based medical education: A systematic review. Academic Medicine, 86(2), 246-51. doi:10.1097/ACM.0b013e3182046481. PMID: 21169780 

Service Learning Interprofessional

  • De Los Santos, M., McFarlin, C. D., & Martin, L. (2014). Interprofessional education and service learning: A model for the future of health professions education. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 28(4), 374-375. doi:10.3109/13561820.2014.889102 PMID: 24571208
  • Marcus, M. T., Taylor, W. C., Hormann, M. D., Walker, T., & Carroll, D. (2011). Linking service-learning with community-based participatory research: An interprofessional course for health professional students. Nursing Outlook, 59(1), 47-54. doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2010.10.001 PMID: 21256362

Service Learning Medical School

  • Stewart, T., & Wubbena, Z. (2014). An overview of infusing service-learning in medical education. International Journal of Medical Education, 5, 147-156. doi:10.5116/ijme.53ae.c907 PMID: 25341224 
  • Smith, K. L., Meah, Y., Reininger, B., Farr, M., Zeidman, J., & Thomas, D. C. (2013). Integrating service learning into the curriculum: Lessons from the field. Medical Teacher, 35(5), e1139-1148. doi:10.3109/0142159x.2012.735383 PMID: 23316888  
  • Brush D, Markert R, Lazarus C. The relationship between service learning and medical student academic and professional outcomes. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2006;18(1):9-13. PMID: 16354133
  • Burrows M, Chauvin A, Lazarus C, Chehardy P. Required service learning in medical students: Program description and student response. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 1999;11(4):223-231.

Service Learning Dental

  • Yoder, K. (2006). A framework for service-learning in dental education. Journal of Dental Education, 70(2), 115-22. PMID: 16478925
  • Burch, S. (2013). Strategies for service-learning assessment in dental hygiene education. Journal of Dental Hygiene, 87(5), 265-270. PMID: 24158659
  • Martinez-Mier, E. A., Soto-Rojas, A. E., Stelzner, S. M., Lorant, D. E., Riner, M. E., & Yoder, K. M. (2011). An international, multidisciplinary, service-learning program: An option in the dental school curriculum. Education for Health (Abingdon), 24(1), 259. PMID: 21710410

Service Learning Nursing

  • Stallwood, L. G., & Groh, C. J. (2011). Service-learning in the nursing curriculum: Are we at the level of evidence-based practice? Nursing Education Perspectives, 32(5), 297-301. PMID: 22029240
  • Ward, S., Blair, M., Henton, F., Jackson, H., Landolt, T., & Mattson, K. (2007). Service-learning across an accelerated curriculum. Journal of Nursing Education, 46(9), 427-430. PMID: 17912996
  • Murray, B. S. (2013). Service-learning in baccalaureate nursing education: A literature review. Journal of Nursing Education, 52(11), 621-626. doi:10.3928/01484834-20131014-08 PMID: 24127182


Deogade, S. C., & Naitam, D. (2016). Reflective learning in community-based dental education. Education for Health (Abingdon), 29(2), 119-123. doi:10.4103/1357-6283.188752 PMID: 27549649

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Curricula Assessment

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Teaching & Learning Modules

Education-Centered Medical Home (ECMH): A learning module, created by the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, provides students with early and comprehensive educational exposure to team-based medicine in an authentic outpatient environment. Students work with the same preceptor and peers over four years to help care for patients and measure their progress. This learning model helps students build a professional identity as early as the first year of medical school, offers 360-degree assessment opportunities, and allows for patients, peers and preceptors to give feedback on the student's progress in their eight core competencies.

Prevention and Population Health Teaching Module: These innovative teaching modules were created by the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research (APTR). All seven modules feature presentations produced by subject matter experts, supplemental materials to facilitate small group learning, and a bibliography of key resources. For example, Module 1: Determinants of Health