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Scholarly Publishing & Research Impact

Information about assessing researchers, publications, and journals and increasing the impact of your scholarship.


Researcher Profiles and Author IDs to Increase Your Impact

Author IDs

Digital author IDs serve to disambiguate authors, enable interoperability between systems and profiles, and create a lifelong record of your work.

  • ORCID ID-  A free, open source persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you for every other researcher. Your ORCID iD can be connected with many different systems, including ResearchID, SCOPUS, and CrossRef. It is also often included with article and sponsored research proposals. ORCID also provides researcher profiles that can be configured to automatically import new works from a variety of sources.
  • Scopus Author ID - A personal ID used by Scopus to disambiguate authors of works indexed in their database. It can be linked to ORCID to enable automatic updates to your ORCID profile when you publish new articles.
  • ResearcherID (on Publons, Clarivate) - A free product developed by Thomson Reuters. Once registered, a researcher is assigned a unique ID number that associated with their publications. If you have an EndNote Online account or Web of Science account you do not need to register with Research ID site.   


  • Digital Measures - At UTHSC Digital Measures is used to populate your faculty web profile, among other things.
  • Dimensions - Dimensions belongs to the group that also provides Altmetric, Figshare, and other scholarly services. Your Dimensions profile is automatically populated by their extensive scholarship data and includes unique sources such as patents, datasets, and clinical trials.
  • Publons - Initially a system to track and credit peer-reviewing activities, Publons now also includes publication information and citation metrics.
  • Google Scholar - Make the most of Google Scholar by claiming your profile and verifying your publications. Google provides a variety of metrics for your included works.
  • PubMed MyNCBI - While primarily a tool for saving literature searchers and interfacing with NIH databases, you may also use My NCBI to maintain a personal bibliography of your work that may be made public, if desired.
  • SciENcv - The Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae is a system to assist researchers that participate in federally funded research. It includes a tool to generate an NIH biosketch using information from your My NCBI bibliography and eRA Commons account.
  • Doximity - "The Medical Network," Doximity is geared towards health care professionals specifically. It allows members to read medical news, collaborate on cases, and send messages.
  • LinkedIn - A general purpose professional social networking site. It is commonly used outside of academia, and may help you reach a wider audience. LinkedIn offers both free and premium paid accounts.
  • ResearchGate - A highly popular commercial researcher social networking site. ResearchGate has come under fire in recent years for supporting potentially illegal activities such as sharing articles without copyright clearance. Visit here for a summary of important considerations prior to using ResearchGate.
  • - Another popular commercial researcher social network site. The above linked article also summarizes potential considerations before signing up for an account.