Screen | Description |
Biography and Expertise | These fields will be used to populate your faculty web profile. To update your headshot, please reach out to the Office of Communications and Marketing by emailing |
Appointments at UTHSC |
This screen captures a chronological listing of your professional academic and administrative work history at UTHSC (i.e. Instructor, Program Director, Chair, etc.). Any joint appointment in another division/department/college at UTHSC should also be listed here. Any historic or current positions held outside of UTHSC should be recorded on either the Work History screen or in the Clinical Care section. |
Awards and Honors | This screen should be used to record any awards and honors for which you have been nominated or received in relation to professional or scholarly activities. |
Consulting | This screen should be used to report any external consulting activities you have undertaken. |
Degrees | This screen captures education leading to formal academic degrees and certificates. Formal postgraduate training such as Clerkship, Internship, Residency, and Post-doctoral Fellowship should be entered on the Graduate/Postgraduate Training screen. To update the information on this screen, contact |
Graduate/Post-Graduate Training | This screen captures formal postgraduate clinical and research training including Clerkship, Internship, Residency, and Post-doctoral Fellowship. |
Faculty Development Activities Attended | This screen captures continuing education and professional development activities including: classes, conferences, faculty fellowships, faculty internships, formal coursework, seminars, workshops, and other professional development. |
Licensures | This screen captures licensure required for professional practice within your discipline. You may attach a copy of the license. Board certifications should be added to the Certifications screen. |
Certifications | This screen captures professional certifications relevant to professional practice within your discipline or obtained for other professional activities. You may attach a copy of the certification. Please signify “Board Certification” where appropriate. |
Media Appearances and Interviews | This screen captures activities relating to the contribution of professional expertise in the media (Internet, magazine, newspaper, radio, or television). |
Military Service | This screen captures service in any branch of the armed services (Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, National Guard, or Navy). |
Work History | This screen captures (1) general work history prior to appointment at UTHSC and (2) current activities such as visiting professorship or joint academic appointment at a non-UTHSC institution. Clinical care and other practice experiences should be included in the Clinical Care section. Courses taught at institutions other than UTHSC should be entered on the Teaching at Other Institutions screen. |
Screen | Description |
Personal and Contact Information | You do not have access to modify the fields on this screen. If changes are needed, contact your department/division/unit administrative assistant or business manager to correct this information in IRIS. |
Administrative Data - Permanent Data / Yearly Data | You do not have access to modify any of the fields on this screen. Ask your department’s administrative staff to correct this information in IRIS. |
Annual Performance and Planning Review (APPR) Summaries | This screen captures the summation of your Annual Planning and Performance Review (APPR). To review documents related to your evaluation, select the Workflow tab on the top navigation bar. |
Screen | Description |
Academic Advising | This screen captures a summary number of students advised at different levels. Only faculty with formal academic advising duties will use this screen. Advising activities outside of plan of study or course load should be added to the Mentoring screen. |
Directed Student Learning (e.g., theses, dissertations) | This screen captures the directed learning and mentorship of individual mentees in a formal academic setting. |
Mentoring | This screen captures mentoring activities outside of academic advising, including individual mentee details and hours spent annually. This may include mentorship of faculty members, students, or others. |
Other Instructional Activities | This screen is for instructional activities not associated with official UTHSC courses. Scheduled course activities are recorded in the UTHSC Course Instruction screen. |
UTHSC Course Instruction | This screen captures instruction delivered through scheduled courses in formal academic degree programs at UTHSC. Scheduled courses have a prefix, course number, and official title. These are courses that can be found in the program catalog. UTHSC teaching activities are imported for you from Banner and other official college or academic program records. Please review imported data and make any necessary revisions by opening the item record. Percent effort or hours should be entered depending on the requirements of your college or academic program. |
Teaching Innovation and Curriculum Development | This screen captures non-published teaching materials developed for instruction within a formal course or academic program. Innovative activities, such as the introduction of computer applications and enhanced student learning activities, should also be included. |
Teaching at Other Institutions | This screen captures specific courses by term and year taught at non-UTHSC institutions. |
Screen | Description |
Biographical Sketch - NIH | This screen allows you to create an NIH Biographical Sketch in a custom template formatted to NIH standards. You may create multiple Biographical Sketch records on this screen. This may be valuable if you frequently apply for two different types of NIH grants, for example, and you wish to maintain two different sets of contributions which are tailored to each of those two grant types. You will be able to choose the corresponding Biographical Sketch based on this field when running the NIH Biographical Sketch custom report. |
Biographical Sketch - NSF | This screen allows you to create an NSF Biographical Sketch in a custom template formatted to NSF standards. You may create multiple Biographical Sketch records on this screen. This may be valuable if you frequently apply for two different types of NSF grants, for example, and you wish to maintain two different sets of contributions which are tailored to each of those two grant types. You will be able to choose the corresponding Biographical Sketch based on this field when running the NSF Biographical Sketch custom report. |
Sponsored Research - Proposals | The proposals screen captures all grant proposals, submissions, and/or applications for UTHSC faculty. Data in this screen are imported from the Cayuse system maintained by the Office of Research. Please review imported data and request any necessary revisions by contacting the Digital Measures Administrator at |
Sponsored Research - Awards | The awards screen captures all grant awards and sponsored project agreements for UTHSC faculty. Data in this screen are imported from the Cayuse system maintained by the Office of Research. Please review imported data and request any necessary revisions by contacting the Digital Measures Administrator at |
Intellectual Property (e.g., copyrights, patents) | This screen captures intellectual property, including copyrights and patents. |
Presentations | This screen captures lectures and presentations, typically delivered at conferences, and to audiences that are not regular students, departmental colleagues, or part of a formal curriculum. Conference posters or presentations included in conference proceedings, but that have not been subsequently published in a scholarly journal, should be entered here. Abstracts that have been published in a scholarly journal should be entered on the Publications screen. |
Publications | This screen captures professional published scholarly work including books and book chapters, cases, editorials, instructional material, journal articles, multimedia, and position statements. Journal articles can be imported from a variety of formats, including PubMed and Scopus, among others. Please contact your College’s library liaison or Digital Measures Administrator at for assistance. |
Other Research Activity (Non-Cayuse) | This screen captures research at UTHSC that does not go through the Cayuse system, including funded or unfunded scholarly activity. |
Screen | Description |
Clinical Leadership |
Clinical Leadership may include clinical roles involving service planning, coordinating, delegating supervision, or facilitating guidance of a clinic team, health professionals, and/or support staff. This screen captures positions of clinical leadership you have held, such as:
Activities may also include personnel tasks focused on patient satisfaction or health care delivery improvement. |
Clinical Care and Other Practice Experience | This screen captures clinical/patient care provided in any type of setting, including inpatient, outpatient, community-based, or other setting. |
Clinical Instruction | This screen captures instruction (such as clinical supervision, evidence-based presentations, grand rounds, inpatient/outpatient attending, simulation, workshop) delivered to students (undergraduate, graduate, professional), residents, fellows, and other licensed healthcare providers. If not conducted in a clinical environment, activities such as lab instruction, mock boards, and participation in simulation activities should be entered on the Other Instructional Activities screen. Clinical instruction with a course number should be entered on the UTHSC Course Instruction screen. |
Clinical Service | This screen captures information about your service responsibilities (e.g. member of a committee, vaccine distribution, and other philanthropic tasks) that are primarily related to clinical care or occur in a clinical environment. |
Screen | Description |
University | This screen captures service undertaken at any level at UTHSC or the University of Tennessee System, such as committee positions and administrative responsibilities. |
Professional | This screen captures non-UTHSC activities and leadership positions for professional organizations, committees and clubs. Membership within these organizations needs to be entered under Professional Memberships in the General Information category. |
Public | This screen captures activities performed for the benefit of the public or public organizations or that can be classified as outreach and, in that case, does not fall under the category of clinical, university, or professional service. |