If you have any issues logging in please contact us at: digitalmeasures@uthsc.edu
Note: At least one date (it can be the year) is required to save a record.
We are updating these instructions to reflect the changes made due to the implementation of DASH. Stay tuned.
To add a new degree to Digital Measures, please send an updated copy of your CV with the degree information listed to:
After review, a team member will update your Degrees screen in Digital Measures on your behalf. Our team likes to ensure that your faculty file is up to date and if any additional documents are required before adding a new degree into the system.
If you primarily use the Digital Measures UTHSC CV, you may easily run the report through the Reports tab in Digital Measures and make the changes directly to the Word document.
Note: The Digital Measures vendor, Watermark, updates the template for the biosketch based on the requirements sent by the NIH and NSF.
The attached document is designed to guide you through the structure of the UTHSC CV report in Digital Measures. While the section names are not always directly correlated to the screens in Digital Measures, this guide will show you how to locate the appropriate section/screen in Digital Measures to make any necessary changes.
Select which activities you would like to display on your profile by logging in to your Digital Measures account and navigating to the desired section. By default, activities are toggled “Yes” and will display on your profile. Toggle the record “No” to hide it from public view on your profile. IMPORTANT: The "Allow Sharing?" tool only applies to information displayed on your profile and does not restrict your information from other Digital Measures features.
Under the Personal and Contact Information screen, you may now choose whether you would like certain contact details to appear.
Once on the Import Publications screen, select Import from Third Party. Choose your service (PubMed, Scopus, etc)
Note: Searching by Name often retrieves too many results.
Change the search criteria by clicking the drop down list. Try:
PMID: It is the unique identifier number (e.g., PMID 25143306) used in PubMed for each article. If you have a list of your PMIDs you may list them all separated by a space to do a batch import (e.g., 25143306 25414947 30778747 29162146).
Author Identifier: May be an ORCID, Scopus Author ID, an International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI), or from the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF).
Add additional criteria by selecting Add Search Criteria.
Delete search criteria by clicking on the trash can to the right of the field.
Note: If your search returned too many results or you did not find the record(s) you were looking for you can further refine your search by selecting the modify your search link at the top of the screen.
Note: It is possible that the publication you are importing has more complete information than a previous upload, as below, in which case you will want to Import the new publication.
Note: Once on your publication screen you can remove any erroneous uploads by checking the box next to the publication and clicking the trash can icon.
NEW! Digital Measures has released a new "Data Share" feature to all faculty member's Activities pages. Users who have authenticated with ORCID may turn on Data Share Settings to provide an automatic export of their publication data to ORCID. Once activated, publications from Digital Measures will be sent to ORCID on a weekly basis, ensuring that ORCID is always updated with any changes made to your Digital Measures profile.
The Publications Import from ORCID feature is still available for manual import. It can be used to transfer existing ORCID data into a Faculty Success profile before enabling the export for a specific faculty member. Proxy users have the ability to enable the export for faculty members who have already authenticated with ORCID through Digital Measures.