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ORCID@UTHSC: Getting Started

Get started with ORCID at UTHSC.

Research Data & Scholarly Communications Lead

Profile Photo
Jess Newman
she | her
Associate Professor
Research Data & Scholarly Communications Lead
UTHSC Health Sciences Library
Lamar Alexander Building
877 Madison Avenue
Memphis, TN 38163

Getting Started

Getting Started

You can get yourself set up with ORCID in three easy steps:

Step 1:

Get your ORCID iD                

Step 2:

Add information to your profile

Step 3:

Use your ID

Registering for your ORCID iD only takes 30 seconds at

To make login even easier, select "Access through your institution," search "University of Tennessee," and log in through UTHSC Duo.

Once you've created your ORCID iD, it's easy to add your scholarly works to your ORCID record, enable automatic updates, and delegate management of your record to someone else.

Learn more about connecting systems and adding records.

Include your ORCID identifier on any personal  webpage, when you submit publications, apply for grants, and in any research workflow to ensure you get credit for your work.

Learn more about publishers that require ORCID.

Learn more about ORCID and the NIH.


Register for Your ORCID iD from ORCID on Vimeo.