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Research Data: Funder Data Policies

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Jess Newman
she | her
Associate Professor
Research Data & Scholarly Communications Lead
UTHSC Health Sciences Library
Lamar Alexander Building
877 Madison Avenue
Memphis, TN 38163

Major Funder Data Polices

Notice: Review the Whitehouse OSTP memo "Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research"!

The 2022 Memorandum recommends that all federal agencies develop new (or update existing) plans indicating how they will be providing public access to the outcomes of research that is federally funded. It was developed by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) in collaboration with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Federal departments and agencies, and, in consultation with a wide range of external stakeholders.

NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy (January 25, 2023)

In an effort to advance rigorous and reproducible research and promote public trust in research, the NIH is implementing a revision to the 2013 Data Sharing Policy.

  • Requires submission of Data Management and Sharing Plan for all NIH-funded research (how/where/when) (Learn More)
    • What: Scientific data - "Recorded factual material ... of sufficient quality to validate and replicate research findings, regardless of whether the data are used to support scholarly publications." Does not include things materials like lab notebooks, preliminary analyses, case report forms, physical specimens.
    • When: Data must be shared no later than publication or end of award (for data underlying findings not published in peer-reviewed journals).
  • Compliance with the ICO-approved Plan (may affect future funding)
  • Replaces 2003 Data Sharing Policy


Webinar recording in collaboration with the TN-CTSI, December 2022.

The following researcher funders have data sharing polices in place (linked below, if available) or are in the process of developing a data sharing policy.


Private Research Funders

Public Research Funders


(From SPARC)