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Introduction to Graduate Research

This guide was designed to introduce you to the basic research skills needed to conduct library related research at the graduate level.

Reference Management Tools

Effective research needs effective tools. Reference management tools/programs are crucial for research work. The primary purpose of each tool is to manage references and create citations and bibliographies within documents. 

The followings are some of the reference management programs/software:

EndNote:  It can be downloaded for free by UTHSC faculty, student, and staff with a valid NetID. EndNote has three platforms: Desktop (need to download), EndNote Basic (free Web version) (need to create an account), and iPad app. The library created an EndNote Guide  to show you how to use the program. 

Mendeley (Free): It has three platforms: Desktop (need to download), Web version (need to sign up for an account), and iPad app. Mendeley has created several  videos about it's features and how to use the program. 

Zotero (Free): It helps collect, manage, and cite research sources. 

Choosing a Reference Management Tool

A General Information Comparison about Selected Bibliographic Management Tools Accessible to UTHSC Users

(Updated May 2017)

  EndNote Desktop EndNote Online Mendeley Zotero
Developer Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters Mendeley George Mason University
Released 1988   2008 2004
Cost Free to UTHSC users Free / Open Source Free / Open Source Free / Open Source
Free Storage Unlimited 2G 2G (Web) 300MB (Web)

Desktop & App for iOS devices

Web & App Desktop, Web-based, & App for iOS devices Web-based, Standalone (Desktop), & Add-on to Firefox
OS Windows, Mac Windows, Mac Windows, MAC, Linux Windows, MAC, Linux, Unix
Tutorials EndNote tutorials EndNote tutorials Mendeley Tutorials Zotero tutorials

UTK download site

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A Comparison of Key Features of Bibliographic Management Tools Accessible to UTHSC Users

(Updated February 2016)

Key Features


EndNote Online



Organizing/Annotating/Highlighting PDFs

Mobile and iOS devices

Cross-platform synching (Web, Desktop, & mobile devices)

Automatically invoke Find Full Text (PDFs) attached to newly imported references

Full text searching across all your papers

Cite While You Write with Word


Need to install plug-in for Word

Need to install plug-in for Word to use web-based version

Need to install plug-in for Word

Creating private folders/groups

Creating public folders/groups (Sharing sources publicly)

Directly capturing online content

Via Web Importer Bookmarklet

Via Web Connector, a browser extension

Networking and finding collaborators



Writing with others





Readership statistics by categories

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Reference Management Tools for Systematic Reviews

Literature reporting using reference management software for systematic reviews:


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