MeSH Headings [mh]
Biostatistics [mh]: A narrower term under Statistics as Topic [MeSH].
Epidemiology [mh]: Use the subheading with diseases: epidemiology [sh].
Statistics as Topic [mh]: Narrower terms for statistical methods and concepts appear under this broad term.
Vital Statistics [mh]: Used for general articles concerning statistics of births, deaths, marriages, etc. Narrower terms are available under this term: LIFE EXPECTANCY; LIFE TABLES; MORBIDITY; MORTALITY; PREGNANCY RATE
Subheadings [sh]
economics Example: Mass Screening/Economics
epidemiology Example: Rabies/Epidimiology
ethnology [sh] Example: Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/Ethnology
mortality [sh] Example: Lipectomy/Motality
statistics and numerical data [sh] Example: Accidental Falls/Statistics and Numerical Data
Note the more specific terms included under this subheading: ethnology [sh]; mortality [sh]
supply and distribution [sh] Example: Influenza Vaccines/Supply and Distribution
utilization review [sh] Example: Electronic Health Records/Utilization
workforce [sh] Example: Nursing/Workforce
CINAHL - Cimulative Index for Nursing and Allied Health Literature
Subject Headings [MH]
(MH "Statistics"): For general materials on compiling or calculating statistics, etc.; for statistics on specific topics see appropriate subject and look for document type: statistics. Consider also DATA ANALYSIS, STATISTICAL.
(MH "Vital Statistics"): Use for general materials concerning statistics of births, deaths, marriages, etc.
Epideminology/EP: Used for the distribution and frequency of diseases, injuries, and other health-related events and their causes in a desired population. Includes incidence, prevalence, endemic, and epidemic outbreaks. Excludes mortality for which "mortality" is used.
Ethnology/ET: Used with diseases and selected terms for ethnic, cultural, anthropological, or racial aspects, and with geographic headings to indicate the place of origin of a group of people.
Motality/MO: Used with human diseases for mortality statistics.